News | ARRB - your National Transport Research Organisation

A year of shaping our transport future together

Written by Australian Road Research Board | December 20, 2018

As 2018 comes to a close we all take this time to reflect on what has been a very big year all around.

This has rung true here at ARRB, from moving home to resetting the way we do things, the year has been full of change and exciting opportunities.

It was great to also have the work to reposition ARRB as the National Transport Research Organisation formally recognised at a meeting of TISOC – the Transport and Infrastructure Senior Officers Committee – in which CEO Michael Caltabiano and Board Chairman Peter Duncan AM were told:

'TISOC members were impressed by the progress
that has been made to transform ARRB into what is now a
high-performing and well-respected organisation.'

The highlights of the year have been many, here is a look back at what 2018 brought you:

  •  New national headquarters in Port Melbourne, including world-class research labs unique in Australia
  • Deputy Prime Minister attending and opening the National Transport Research Centre
  • Successful ARRB Conference in Brisbane with 450 delegates
  • SURF Conference and ADVI Summiteach a resounding success
  • Advanced Techologies Lab (ATLab) held successful Hackathon in Brisbane
  • Development of a National Transport Research Plan, stay tune for more on this in 2019
  • Creation of our own High Friction Surface Treatments Guide to Good Practice, which has been well received in the industry
  • New branding, with ARRB’s new logo winning gold at the Sydney Design Show in its category
  • Successful CAVs research and testing project with ConnectEast (Eastlink) as part of the VicRoads Smarter Journeys program
  • Renewed five-year deal for NACoE in Queensland – our joint initiative with Queensland’s Department of Transport and Main Roads

  • Multiple presentations on road and transport research topics by ARRB on the world stage, including to the United Nations on road safety and climate change adaptation
  • ARRB research released showing transport industry is ready for the introduction of automated heavy vehicles, but many of Australia’s regional and remote roads are not
  • Revamped workshop program featuring new presenters, new topics, and more workshops than ever before, with high-demand from the industry
  • Launch of ARRB’s new monthly e-newsletter, iNTRO for stakeholders, which has seen a strong following
  • Growth in our social media presence with an industry-leading 4,500+ for LinkedIn
  • Hiring out of our Port Melbourne facilities, which was snapped up by industry customers and seen customer satisfaction with return bookings.
  • More media coverage than ever of ARRB’s work in 2018 – featuring on Seven News, SBS, Australian Associated Press, Herald Sun Melbourne, Daily Mail online, ABC online, CarAdvice, Roads and Infrastructure Magazine, Infrastructure Magazine, Highway Engineering Australia, Trailer, Big Rigs, Inspire (IPWEA magazine) and The Daily Liberal (Dubbo) - to name a few.


Roads and transport are undergoing a level of change not seen since the introduction of the motor car, and ARRB aims to be at the forefront of what comes next and what’s happening now.

With so many promised infrastructure projects in the pipeline right around the country, 2019 promises much, and ARRB aims to provide the best possible service to the industry and community at large, both in the New Year, and going forward. Download our brochure to read all about how ARRB can help you.

We wish you and your family a Merry Christmas, a happy and safe New Year. We look forward to seeing you in early January, when we reopen.

From all of us at ARRB - your National Transport Research Organisation