News | ARRB - your National Transport Research Organisation

ARRB’s Chairman of the Board meets with the Transport and Infrastructure Senior Officials’ Committee (TISOC)

Written by Australian Road Research Board | April 24, 2017

Peter Duncan - former CEO of RMS NSW, and current Chairman of ARRB’s Board – recently met with TISOC to discuss ARRB’s direction: enlivening its reputation as a national interest, applied research organisation, and modelling itself on other transport research organisations like BASt in Germany.

It’s the strategy for action behind the vision however that was the primary talking point.  Mr Duncan went on to describe ARRB’s strategy as being about achieving outcomes through planned action in four key areas. These are detailed in the 2017-2020 Strategic Plan available on the ARRB website. In short:

Technology – harnessing the value of transformative technology, such as using big data to simplify complex decision making.
Infrastructure - adaptive, resilient and affordable infrastructure for future generations. This includes improving resilience to deliver beneficial community outcomes.
Collaboration and people - building multi-disciplinary teams with highly evolved skills – enshrining the world’s best practice in all that ARRB does.
Resilience and security – deriving a new understanding of the future transport challenges in a changing word, delivering an improved and informed understanding of security challenges that face the network.

Mr Duncan outlined how research outputs are currently articulated, and how in the future ARRB will be seeking early implementation of research outcomes. Mr Duncan said that there will be a lot more action by way of communication methods, but the existing process of utilising webinars, website and direct communication with transport agencies will continue.

ARRB is on the move as an organisation serving Members, and advancing the research outcomes for Australia. The National research body for roads and transportation will be undertaking highly collaborative research in new premises in a flagship facility in Melbourne, and new modern offices in Brisbane, Sydney, Adelaide and Perth.