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Australian Low Carbon Transport Forum Publications

Written by Australian Road Research Board | November 8, 2012

The Australian Low Carbon Transport Forum (ALCTF) has recently been released. This project was developed via a joint collaboration between ARRB Group, Bureau of Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Economics (BITRE – Department of Infrastructure and Transport) and the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO).

The forum involved an expert elicitation process to review options for greenhouse gas reduction in transport and explores how deeply emissions could be cut in the sector. This work calculates 47 abatement options and estimates the maximal potential reduction of these options by 2050 for road, rail, maritime and aviation.

The forum and reports are aimed at providing a useful reference guide to government and industry mainly, but has been released publicly so that anyone with an interest in the topic can access the research.

Copies of the two reports, 'Greenhouse gas abatement potential of the Australian transport sector' and 'Australian Low Carbon Transport Forum Summary' and other technical reports are available from