The development of technology and mobile communications has changed our lives significantly.
The unprecedented changes that are occurring to our everyday lives due to the global COVID-19 pandemic only serves to further bring forward the possibility of these changes. These changes have provided an opportunity to capture the current paradigm and plan for the emerging future transport and mobility environment.
The current silos in land transport associated with private vehicles, commercial vehicles, and public transport (road and rail), left in the below figure, are now beginning to change, whereby service delivery is largely independent of the specific transport silo. A car can be a private vehicle, a service e.g. Uber, commercial or freight vehicle (transporting goods) and a public transport vehicle all in the same 24 hours. Journeys (or mobility) are enabled by applications and services provided by a service providers, and are supported by the connection between them and the supporting infrastructure (right in below figure). This allows people to use different forms of transport privately, publicly and commercially.
Almost all post-COVID scenarios will be predicated upon fundamental breaks with previous trends; this discontinuity is perhaps the only thing that can be reliably predicted.
For more information on the project, click here.
To view the webinar, featuring Dr Charles Karl of our Future Transport Systems team, on this topic, click here.