Side road activated speed signs are shaping as a key weapon in the fight against deaths and serious injuries on rural roads.
One of the first has been introduced in western Victoria on the Glenelg Highway near the intersection of the Dunkeld-Cavendish Road near Dunkeld.
When cars approach the Glenelg Highway from the side road, they trigger sensors which drop the speed on the highway from 100km/h to 70km/h.
It is hoped this technology will reduce the risk of collisions at this intersection and others like it in rural areas, without permanently lowering speeds. The TAC and VicRoads will roll out 30 such signs around Victoria.
Australian Road Research Board transport safety expert Dr Blair Turner told the ABC of the uptake in the new technology: “The reason is they are hugely successful in terms of the safety benefits. You see benefits of up to 80% reduction in fatal and serious crash outcomes.”
Listen to ARRB’s Blair Turner’s full interview with ABC Radio’s Steve Martin below.
Find out more information on the Dunkeld sign from Regional Roads Victoria