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Australasian College of Road Safety - NSW Chapter Seminar

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Driver distraction and camera
detected mobile phone use

Driver distraction

Bernard Carlon
Executive Director, Centres for Road Safety and Maritime Safety, Transport for NSW

Alexander Jannink
Managing Director, Acusensus

Wednesday 19 August 2020, 12:30pm to 1:30pm (AEST)

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This seminar will provide insights into innovative work being undertaken to address driver distraction, and the impact the
NSW introduced camera system detecting mobile phone use by drivers is having or expected to have on road trauma and
driver behaviour.

During the seminar, Bernard Carlon from the Centres for Road Safety and Maritime Safety will provide an overview of the:

  • driver distraction problem
  • trial of camera systems to detect drivers using mobile phones
  • policy development process
  • legislative changes
  • chain of evidence to ensure the infringements are able to be upheld in court
  • implementation
  • pros and cons of covert vs overt and fixed vs mobile enforcement operations
  • evaluation/s of the impact of the system on road trauma and/or driver behaviour
  • lessons learnt
  • future directions

Alexander Jannink from Acusensus will talk about:

  • how the Acusensus camera system was developed
  • how the technology works
  • future directions for camera based road safety technologies

Click here to Download the flyer>

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Topics: Featured, Webinars, Research, ARRB