Planning for Successful Worksite Traffic Management on Major Road Projects is a critical component of any civil construction project.
Course aim
Planning for Successful Worksite Traffic Management on Major Road Projects covers best practice in planning successful worksite traffic management including the rationale and key considerations for managing disruption during the various phases of project works.
This course reflects the expectations for planning successful worksite traffic management. It has been designed and delivered by Major Road Projects Victoria, on behalf of the Victorian government’s Major Transport Infrastructure Authority, and in partnership with the Australian Road Research Board.
Topic Areas
Module 1: Why Your Role Is Important To Successful Outcomes - covers:
- The Who - Roles of the parties involved in traffic management
- The What - Objectives of planning, responsibilities for each role
- The Why - Relevant legislation and guidance, community experience, and real-world examples
Module 2: Trust In The Process - covers:
- The How - Processes you must follow
- The When - Lead times for successful planning and communication
- Ongoing - Monitoring, feedback loops and change management
Time: 8:15am - 5pm
Duration: 8.5 Hours
Pricing: $935 (inc GST)
Who is this for?
The MRPV Technical Training Program is targeted at new and existing workforce from industry and MTIA who have some general knowledge and awareness of construction works required to carry out specific tasks relating to civil construction including:
- Graduate, site, project and senior engineers
- Site supervisors/site foremen
- Leading hands
- Safety supervisors
- Quality managers/engineers
- Surveillance cadets/officers
Keeping up to date or a refresher of best practice is also relevant to:
- Project Mangers
- Site Construction Managers
- Surveillance Managers
- Traffic Managers
- Community Stakeholder & Engagement Specialists
*Dates and prices are subject to change.