Road Safety
More than 1,100 deaths on our roads annually, and 40,000 serious injuries every year, shows that road trauma is at epidemic levels.
ARRB provides all levels of government, industry and the community with comprehensive road safety management solutions.
ARRB is an iRAP Centre of Excellence, specialising in data-driven solutions to reduce road trauma including award-winning road safety tool NetRisk2, network safety plans, road safety audits, infrastructure risk assessments, mine haul road safety and heavy vehicle route assessments.
Are we willing to accept 1,100 deaths and 40,000 serious injuries on our roads annually as the norm?
Our areas of expertise include:
- Road Safety Audits
- Policy and Strategy Development
- Road Design and Traffic Engineering
- iRAP, AusRAP and ANRAM Assessments
- Road and Network Safety Assessments
- Road User Behaviour and Education
- Road Crash Investigation
- Enforcement
- Fatigue Monitoring and Management
- Vulnerable Road Users
- Vehicle Safety
- Heavy Vehicle Route Assessment
- Performance Based Vehicle Route Assessment
- Collision and Incident Investigation
- Motorcycle Safety
- Cyclist Safety
- Pedestrian Safety
- Safe School Access
- Road and Transport Safety Consulting Services
Our road safety team works with:
- Local and State Governments
- Mining Companies
- Federal Road Authorities
- State Road Authorities
- Public Transport Agencies
- Vehicle Insurers
- Transport Companies
- Industry Groups

Our road safety team works with:
- Local and State Governments
- Mining Companies
- Federal Road Authorities
- State Road Authorities
- Public Transport Agencies
- Vehicle Insurers
- Transport Companies
- Industry Groups