Portaboom – the device which helped redefine traffic control best practice by removing traffic controllers from the live carriageway – has shown its faith in the Transport Infrastructure Product Evaluation Scheme (TIPES) by renewing its certificate for another three years.
ARRB’s TIPES is a national scheme for innovative transport construction product certification endorsed by State and Territory road agencies, allowing a single approval for innovative road infrastructure products to cut through the red tape.
Traffic & Access Solutions’ Portaboom became the first traffic control device to receive certification under TIPES in 2016. The advantages accrued led to the organisation renewing the certification for three years to 2019 and the success story continues, with TAS taking no time at all in deciding to seek a further three years’ coverage.
TIPES Governance Manager Mark Steidle expressed his pleasure that TAS reached the decision to again seek renewal of Portaboom’s certificate, and that the decision for TIPES to agree to renewal was made easier by the quality of the product and its reception by users.
“This shows faith in the process and value of the certificate,” Mr Steidle said.
“While a full re-evaluation was not needed given the product has retained its original capabilities and usage, we have also received nothing but positive feedback on the safety benefits and operation of the device from road agencies or private sector customers. The device is worthy of the TIPES renewal.”
TIPES is a rigorous product certification approach which covers innovative products in all sectors of the transport industry.
Further information relating to the TIPES scheme, which covers a wide range of products (pavement materials - including recycled materials, traffic management devices and ITS) can be obtained from the ARRB website (www.arrb.com.au/tipes) or from Paul Hillier at paul.hillier@arrb.com.au or 0416 120 478.
For more information about Traffic & Access Solutions’ Portaboom, click here