Portfolio Leader – Material Performance & Testing, Sustainability and Materials Performance
Petar Davcev
Petar Davcev has experience in the research, development, commercialisation and formulation of polymer modified binders, cutback bitumen and complex bituminous emulsions. Petar has experience in incorporating waste materials into bitumen and the certification of bitumen sources from refineries. Petar has industry experience in which he has modified and designed plant equipment and conducted research for projects related to improvements dust suppression technology, water-based aggregate precoats, bituminous emulsions for micro‑surfacing and clay‑stabilised bituminous products. He has conducted research work into developing binders for specified applications such as racetracks, airports and ports. Since 2020, Petar has been conducting research and commercialisation activities at ARRB into the use of waste plastics in bituminous binders and the incorporation of reclaimed water-based paint materials for use in road applications.