Transport and Main Roads Director, Mr Neil Scales OBE, recently spoke to Infrastructure Magazine about the National Asset Centre of Excellence (NACoE)'s major developments currently taking place on our roads.
Now in its fifth year, NACoE is a partnership between the Australian Road Research Board (ARRB) and Queensland's Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR). This union was established to improve the specialist capability and capacity of both TMR and ARRB through a sustained, collaborative program of challenging projects which unlock innovation and deliver superior technology and road transport solutions.
The program is diverse with a strong focus on pavements, asset management and structures research. It targets international best practice, providing guidance to reduce excessive conservatism and allow the use of innovative materials, and translating new knowledge into best practice.
"We have already achieved outstanding outcomes in the areas of cost saving and performance, sustainability, safety and reliability." says Mr Scales OBE.
The major developments include:
- Savings and performance: EME2
- Sustainability: Crumb rubber modified binder
- Durability: Foamed bitumen stabilisation
- Benefits in excess of the cost
Read the full article in the recent issue of Infrastructure Magazine here. (Pages 52 - 53)
TMR are our Platinum Sponsor & Exhibitor for the ARRB International Conference. You can also check out our conference article in the same publication on pages 51 - 52.