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Safe System Assessment Framework 201

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Sydney roundabout

Course overview

This training builds on the Safe System approach with attendees learning when and how to conduct a Safe System Assessment using the Austroads framework.
The Safe System approach involves all aspects of the road system working together to help eliminate death and serious injury. A key objective for road managers is to ensure that when drivers do make a mistake, it does not result in death or serious injury.
The aim of the Safe System Assessment Framework (SSAF) is to embed Safe System thinking and evaluation from the commencement of a road project. The SSAF has been adopted and applied by transport agencies in New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia and Victoria to help improve safety outcomes of road infrastructure designs.
The SSAF is used to:
  • Assess how well the road design and operation aligns with the Safe System objectives, and
  • Identify which elements of a design project can be modified to achieve safer outcomes.
A Safe System Assessment considers all pillars of the approach – including vehicle, pedestrian, cyclist and motorcyclist crashes, as well as including additional components from road user to vehicle and post-crash care.
Using case studies and in-field practical assessment, the course introduces attendees to the key elements of the Safe System Assessment Framework and demonstrates how the process is applied.
Participation in this course supports the national aim of reducing deaths and injuries on Australian roads to half by 2030 and to zero by 2050.

It is assumed participants have a sound understanding of the Safe System approach, its objectives and principles in order to successfully participate in this course.

Level 101 is an in-person training only. An NTRO Certificate of Attendance will be issued at the conclusion of the in-person training.


Event contact

  +61 3 9881 1555


Meet the speakers




Emily McLean

Portfolio Leader, Infrastructure Safety Management
__David McTiernan


David McTiernan

National Leader Transport Safety, Safer Smarter Infrastructure


Malcolm Mak

Senior Technology Leader, Safer Smarter Infrastructure


Sonny Suharto

Principal Professional, Mobility Futures
  • Learning outcomes
  • Table of Contents
  • Learning formats
  • Target Audience

Learning outcomes

LO1 Understand why and when a Safe System Assessment should be applied.

LO2 Understand how Safe System Assessments fit into the broader road safety suite of tools.

LO3 Understand how to conduct a Safe System Assessment using the Austroads framework.

LO4 Understand how to apply the outcomes from a Safe System Assessment to improve road safety outcomes and performance of road designs.

Table of Contents

The workshop comprises seven sessions and runs for a day.

  1. Why and when should you do a Safe System Assessment?
  2. How does the SSAF fit with other road safety tools?
  3. Risk management
  4. Safe system treatments
  5. How to conduct a Safe System Assessment
  6. Practical (in-field) study
  7. Jurisdictional overview

Learning formats

  1. Pre-reading/preparation: review course content & learning objectives in Moodle elearning platform and prepare workshop questions for discussion.
  2. In person or online workshop.
  3. Online case study (theory) quiz to confirm learning outcomes achieved.
  4. Practical assessment.

Target Audience

Road and Transport Owner and Managing Agencies

  • Traffic, Transport and Road Safety roles
  • Project Evaluation roles
  • Planning and Design roles
  • Federal, State and Local Government
  • Project Manager roles

Contractors, Developers and Consultants

  • Traffic and Transport specialists
  • Planning and Design roles
  • Project Manager roles